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Sortable Nestable

Create New
  1. Founder & Director
  2. Sales Lead
  3. Project Lead
    1. UI UX Designer
    2. FrontEnd Developer
    3. Mobile Lead

Nestable Handle with Badge

  1. Founder & Director 1
  2. Sales Lead 1
  3. Project Lead 1
    1. UI UX Designer 3
    2. FrontEnd Developer 8
    3. Mobile Lead 2

Sortable with Background

  1. Founder & Director
  2. Sales Lead
  3. Angular Champ
  4. eCommerce Master
  5. FrontEnd Developer

Sortable With Task List

  1. Desiger
    UI UX Desiger
    Cory Carter
    1. Team Member
      Info about Design Team New

      It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.

      • Team
      • Avatar
      • Avatar
      • Avatar
      PROJECTS: 12
      BUDGET: 4,870 USD
  2. Sales
    Sales Lead
    Rochelle Barton

Default Example Drag & drop hierarchical list with mouse and touch compatibility

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
    1. Item 3
    2. Item 4
    3. Item 5
      1. Item 6
      2. Item 7
      3. Item 8
    4. Item 9
    5. Item 10
  3. Item 11
  4. Item 12
Output JSON

Default Example with DarkDrag & drop hierarchical list with mouse and touch compatibility

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
    1. Item 3
    2. Item 4
    3. Item 5
      1. Item 6
      2. Item 7
      3. Item 8
    4. Item 9
    5. Item 10
  3. Item 11
  4. Item 12
Output JSON